Snacks Versus Meals

There is often a split between people when it comes to snacking or eating full meals. We believe that meal time should be stress free and align with your personal preferences. While it often gets a bad rap, it is actually helpful to implement snacks into your lifestyle.

To some, snacking is an easier way to meal prep for the day or a more convenient way to get in daily nutrients. To others, snacking is simply a personal preference. Overall, it is important to break the stigma that all snacking is bad. After all, food freedom allows us to incorporate foods into our personal preferences and lifestyles!

What is snacking?

Typically, snacking is characterized as consuming food/beverage between your regular meal times (breakfast, lunch, dinner). With this board definition, it is obvious that snacking or snack times are different for everyone. As there is no universal definition, it is surprising that there is (more or less) a universal stigma.

Unfortunately, snacking does have a negative connotation. Specifically, that it involves overly processed, packaged and “unhealthy” foods. Further, negative messages are often circulated around the idea that snacking could be to blame for weight gain and health complications. As a result, snacking often leads to guilt and food insecurities.

However, snacking doesn’t have to equate to consuming “junk food.” One of our favourite ways to focus on cleaner snacks is to build a snack plate. The best part of a snack plate is that you can pretty much add whatever you like!

If you are a picky eater, snack plates allow you to fill up with the foods you enjoy most. The variety and options snack plates provide you are literally endless.

If you find yourself craving some chips or sweets, you can totally incorporate them into your balanced snack plate. By mixing in fruits, veggies, protein and carbs, your snack plate is perfect for nourishing your body and listening to your cravings, too!

Are there benefits to snacking?

The short answer is: it depends. As aforementioned, there is no uniform definition of snacking nor is there a right or wrong way to snack. Therefore, the benefits of snacking depend on your personal health, preferences and lifestyle.

As explained by Eliza Martinez, snacking benefits can include increasing your nutrient intake and energy. As a result, your concentration levels may be boosted due to fueling your body between meals.

Martinez says that a balanced snack can “increases your energy levels for a longer period of time than sugary snacks do.” Essentially, by consuming balanced snacks, you are slowly fueling your body throughout the day and keeping your energy levels up.

There are many different opinions and perspectives regarding the effects of snacking. However, conflicting views on snacking shows that there is no right or wrong way to incorporate snacks into your routine!

It’s still important to eat full meals

Snacking is certainly an important factor to integrate into your daily meal routine. However, it is just as important to make sure you are eating enough full meals to fuel your body.

Eating complete, nutritious meals ensures that you are consuming the daily recommended nutritional intake. As such, it is important to note that both meals and snacks are a good way to fuel your body – you don’t need to eliminate one or the other! So, don’t be tricked into thinking you should only be eating one meal a day, or replacing all meals with just snacks!

That being said, meal time doesn’t have to be stressful or overcomplicated. Just like snacks, meals can be pretty easy to make! Some of our favourite simple meals include:

Structuring snacks or meals into your routines

Implementing snacks into your dietary lifestyle is all relative to your personal preferences. Some of these can include your hunger levels, dietary restrictions and daily cravings. Planning to incorporate snacks into your diet is all relative to you! Sometimes the best way is by experimenting what snacks work and don’t work for you. From there, you can decide: are you more of a snack or meal person?

After School Snacks That Are Ready In Less Than 5 Minutes

With school in full swing, this means another thing is front and center in the afternoon: after school appetites. After a long day, the last thing you want to worry about is putting together a healthy and filling snack — the perfect size that won’t spoil dinner but will keep any stomach happy for a few hours. While back to school snacks tend to fall into the categories of “unhealthy,” “processed,” or just plain boring, this doesn’t need to be the case!

After figuring out all the other things — the school supplies, homework assignments, dinner on the table — don’t let after school eats become another burden. From sweet to savory, no-bake to quick-cooking, here are some after school treats that anyone will enjoy. You can easily make them the day of, or incorporate them into your weekly meal prep.


Avocado toast

For a tried and true snack that will please any taste bud, you’ll only need two ingredients: bread and an avocado! Toast up a slice of bread (aim for whole wheat, multi-grain, or another kind without excess ingredients and sugar) and mash ¼-½ of avocado on top. You can sprinkle salt, drizzle olive oil, and flick a few red pepper flakes on the toast as well.


Chocolate date power balls

If you have access to a food processor, you can whip up this delicious snack in minutes. All you need is a cup of dates, three tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of chia seeds, and ⅔ cup of rolled oats. Pulse, roll into balls, and enjoy! If you have a few extra minutes you can pop these in the freezer for 10 minutes so they harden up.


Veggies with hummus

For something savory that’s light and fresh, chop up veggies to eat alongside store bought or homemade hummus. Any raw veggie will do — cucumbers, peppers, carrots, celery, you name it! While there’s no shortage of store bought hummus brands, you can also prep some of the homemade stuff beforehand; all it takes is a can of chickpeas, a few spoonfuls of tahini, a generous pour of olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and garlic. Blend in a food processor and serve!


Peanut butter yogurt dip with fresh fruit

To jazz up a fruit salad grab the peanut butter and plain yogurt from your fridge. Mix the two together (it can be equal parts or more of one flavor that you prefer) and voila! You’ll have a delicious dip that’s packed with protein and a great way to eat more fresh fruit.


Plain yogurt with berries

For another sweet snack that literally takes seconds — seconds! — enjoy a cup of plain yogurt with a drizzle of honey and fresh berries on top. Don’t be afraid of buying full-fat yogurt, either, which is a great source of healthy fats and protein. Just avoid the yogurts that are filled with excess sugar and fruit syrups.


Almond butter and banana with coconut and lime zest

For a filling snack with a tropical twist, slice up a banana and add a dollop of almond butter, a few shavings of coconut, and a sprinkle of lime zest. To make sure it’s extra healthy, opt for almond butter without any additives (oil, sugar), and buy unsweetened coconut flakes.


Green smoothie

To get in your fruits and veggies, head to the blender. Some of the best smoothies sneak in a lot of greens for added nutrients without detracting from taste. Start with a frozen banana, ½ cup of other frozen fruits, and a cup of plant-based milk or water. Then add a couple of handfuls of greens, whether that’s spinach, kale, or any other green veggie you have on hand. Give the blender a whirl and you’ll have fruits and veggies in a drinkable form in no time.


Cheese and veggie quesadilla

If something warm and gooey is wanted, a cheese and veggie quesadilla can be put together in minutes! Take two Mexican style tortillas and top with a few slices of cheese and a bunch of spinach. Place the tortilla together like a sandwich and heat up on the stove. Cook for a few minutes on each side and serve with salsa.



You only need three things to make homemade popcorn in five minutes: a pan with a lid, popcorn kernals (…obviously), and oil. Place 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan and crank the heat up. Then add ½ cup of kernels and cover the pot. Turn heat to high, and add the popcorn kernels. Wait to hear the kernels pop; it will take a few minutes. Once they do, remove from heat, shake the pot up, and keep the pot covered for about a minute to ensure every piece has heated all the way through. Add some melted butter and/or salt for extra flavor!