Debunking 4 Popular Diet Myths

With Saturday, May 6 being International No Diet Day, we thought we would debunk 4 of the most commonly known diet myths. Sentiments like “all calories are bad” or “this diet is better than that diet” are often vocalized with little to no factual evidence.

Myth #1: all carbs are bad

Ever heard of this one? Before you rush to clean out all the carbohydrates from your kitchen, this statement can be easily debunked.

Not all carbs come in the form of French fries or pizza. In fact, fruit, vegetables and whole grains are found to contain whole carbohydrates. By classifying carbs as “whole carbohydrates” and “refined carbohydrates,” we can better understand why this statement is actually false.

Whole carbs are often referred to as unprocessed or unrefined, meaning that they still contain the bulk of their vitamins and nutrients. Examples of whole/unrefined carbs include fruit, vegetables, oatmeal and whole wheat bread. These foods have not undergone a process to strip them of naturally occurring elements such as fiber and healthy fats.

In contrast, refined carbs have undergone a process (such as milling), which strips them of vitamins and nutrients. Examples of refined carbs are potato chips, white rice or sugary cereals.

Types of Carbohydrates

One major difference between the two types of carbs is how they provide your body with energy. In simple terms, unrefined carbs provide us long-term energy, while refined carbs are digested rapidly and lead to a quick spike in energy.

Due to the presence of fiber in whole carbs, our bodies are able to digest these foods overtime and keeps our energy steady throughout the day.

If you regularly consume soda or other foods with high sugar content, you may be familiar with feeling your energy spike and then plummet shortly thereafter. This is due to the lack of vitamins and nutrients in refined carbs. To avoid the feelings of an energy crash, we recommend introducing unrefined carbohydrates into your diet.

Here are some simple swaps you can make if you want to implement more whole carbs into your meals.

Processed/Refined Carbohydrate Whole/Unrefined Carbohydrate
Potato chips Whole grain tortilla chips
White rice Brown rice, quinoa
White breads Whole wheat or whole grain breads

While it is important to consume as many whole or unrefined carbs as possible, we understand that this is not feasible for everyone. Of course it is unrealistic to cut out every single processed carb, because who doesn’t crave a pizza every now and then? Everybody’s dietary needs and cravings are different, do not feel like you have to cut out all refined carbs for the rest of your life – you can learn how implement or swap in more unprocessed carbs instead.

Myth #2: steer clear of all fatty foods

In addition to other diet myths, this is completely false and should not be a statement you should revolve your food philosophy around. Just like carbs, fats are absolutely necessary for the body. According to the American Heart Association, “dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth.”

Similar to carbs, there are four ways to categorize the fats we consume: saturated fats, trans fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. In very simple terms, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are considered “good” fats, while trans and saturated fats are not.

Trans fats are specifically found in highly artificial or processed foods. While more and more brands are prioritizing eliminating trans fats, it is still important to be mindful of what you consume. One way to guarantee you are not consuming trans fats is by reading a product’s nutrition label.

Saturated fats are often viewed as “bad fats,” however they are not as harmful as trans fats. Saturated fats are common and are often found in ingredients such as red meats and dairy (cheese, ice cream, butter). According to Harvard University’s School of Public Health, saturated fats “are best consumed in moderation.” If you are worried about your saturated fat intake, red meats and dairy can be replaced with items such as legumes or fish.

Healthier fats that can be incorporated into anyone’s daily meal routines include avocado, dark chocolate (who knew?!), salmon, olive oil and nuts.

Next time someone tells you to avoid all fats, now you know that myth’s been busted! Don’t forget your body still needs fats for fuel and healthy fats are a great way to do that.

Myth #3: nothing can replace the protein you get from meat

Sorry meat-eaters, but this diet myth’s false. There are many non-meat alternatives for plant-based or vegetarian eaters. While it may be difficult to transition from meat to vegetarian protein, there are many options that provide the appropriate amounts of protein necessary.

Since everyone’s protein intake differs, the protein choices you choose will vary. Below are some non-meat protein alternatives for both vegetarian and plant-based diets.

Vegetarian/Plant-based protein sources

  • Whole eggs or egg whites
  • Quinoa
  • Tofu, tempeh, seitan, edamame
  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, kidney/black/pinto beans)
  • Nut butter
  • Chia seeds, hemp seeds
  • Ezekiel bread
  • Soy milk, almond milk
  • Oats, oatmeal
  • Protein-rich vegetables (sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach)

Myth #4: long-term juice cleanses are good to detox and nourish your body

Similar to other diet myths, this one can be easily debunked. After a day or two of indulgent eating, it can be tempting to opt into day-long juice cleanses. It is no secret that many celebrities and influencers endorse and do juice cleanses, increasing the rage about them. However, juice cleanses are not a healthy replacement for eating full, nourishing meals.

This begs the question: why are juice cleanses so hyped up? For starters, a lot of juice cleanse companies vocalize the idea that you should not or do not have to eat while on a juice cleanse. That means, for however long you are choosing to cleanse, you consume nothing but juice. Some brands take a different approach and say that it is O.K. to snack lightly while on the cleanse.

However, most companies do not promote consuming regular, nourishing meals in addition to the cleanse. Consequently, your body is deprived of vitamins and nutrients that come from whole foods.

For example, juices do not contain parts of the peels or rinds from fruit or vegetables. Fiber is stripped from whole fruits and vegetables during the juicing process but a lot of the sugars are sustained. According to Mayo Clinic, Fiber aids the body in digestion, lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.

There are some positive effects from juicing such as consuming micro-nutrients and hydration. However, the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine point to some significant negative effects of juicing. They explain that juices contain little amounts of protein and healthy fats, which can lead to a protein deficiency. Additionally, because of the sugars in juice a consumer’s blood sugar tends to spike and crash, leaving them feeling tired and hungry.

Juicing substitutes

To some, juice cleanses may be helpful but for most, it will not be a satisfactory replacement for meals. Some safe and healthy alternatives to juice cleansing include:

  • Incorporating more whole fruits and vegetables into meals
  • Consume smoothies instead of juices (blending retains more of the vitamins & nutrients of fruits and vegetables)
  • Eat more raw foods
  • Try a soup cleanse
  • Practice intuitive eating to avoid feelings of needing to cleanse after indulging

There are plenty more diet myths lurking out there. Hopefully now, you are able to identify them and avoid feeling trapped in the cycle of diet culture. By incorporating unrefined carbs, healthy fats, plant-based proteins and avoiding juice cleanses, you are finding ways to honor your body and health without pressure from diet myths.

A Quick Guide on Flexitarian Eating

So you’ve heard about veganism, the paleo diet and good old fashioned vegetarianism. As of late you may have seen the term “flexitarian” pop up more and more.

Other than being a new buzz word, what does flexitarian eating really mean?

What is it?

The flexitarian diet was coined by Registered Dietitian Dawn “DJ” Blatner. As listed on DJ’s website, the word flexitarian is made up of the words “flexible” and “vegetarian.”

Essentially, the idea of this diet is to allow people to minimize meat consumption as opposed to restricting it entirely.

A traditional vegetarian diet restricts the consumption of meat. For some vegetarians, cutting out animal-by products such as dairy or eggs is a part of the diet as well.

This can be somewhat confusing to those who are unfamiliar with the various differences between diets. As such, flexitarian is increasingly becoming a more popular way of eating.

Unlike some other diets, eating flexitarian doesn’t have a strict set of rules or guidelines. Being a flexitarian is more of a lifestyle than it is a diet. Those who choose to adopt this lifestyle are also choosing to not restrict certain foods.  This gives people more freedom with what they can eat.

In simple terms, flexitarians focus on eating a plant-forward or vegetarian diet most of the time. However, when a craving strikes or when someone simply feels like eating meat, they do just that.

The choice to be flexitarian is to not punish yourself when you want to eat meat. Instead, it promotes listening to your body and openly choosing to eat more vegetarian-focused meals on a daily basis.

DJ sums the above perfectly on her website: “the most important part of flexitarianism is not how many meatless days you have, but how many more vegetarian meals you prepare.”

Therefore, a flexitarian chooses to eat most of their meals like a vegetarian or plant-based eater but give themselves grace to consume meat when they want it.

Reasons for Eating Flexitarian

The reasons for living a flexitarian lifestyle differ from person to person. However, there are a few trends across the board.

For some, eating flexitarian is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Meat consumption leads to greenhouse gas emissions which ultimately impacts climate change.

However, eating meat in moderation is absolutely safe to have as a part of your diet. As such, flexitarians give themselves room to consume meat here-and-there.

Other reasons to eat flexitarian include introducing more fiber or vitamins and minerals into your meals. Essentially, this diet focuses on consuming more plant-based, whole food ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

According to Registered Dietitian Alyssa Pike, “plant-based foods can help you get your daily dose of dietary fiber,” which is important as most people don’t meet the required amount of daily fiber.

Another potential reason or benefit is that it may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have cited this to be due to the increase in nutrients, antioxidant vitamins and better-for-you ingredients.

In addition to the reasons above, many of those that follow a flexitarian way of eating choose to do so to make a lifestyle change. Depending on your lifestyle goals, choosing to eat this way may come with its own personal list of reasons!

Things to Eat While Flexitarian

So, what does eating flexitarian actually look like?

There are in fact some major differences between what it means to eat vegetarian and flexitarian. For some, eating vegetarian involves eating everything but meat (and sometimes dairy/eggs).

While vegetarians might feel free to eat more pre-packaged or processed foods, the flexitarian diet actually cautions against it.

Specifically, flexitarians are encouraged to consume whole plant foods. This includes fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains. As such, this promotes eating a more whole foods diet as opposed to processed foods.

However, that doesn’t mean you are prohibited from eating pre-packaged meals when flexitarian! Our Cauliflower Kung Pao bowl is a great meal option when you are trying to focus on a more plant-focused diet.

To elevate and meal prep the noodle bowl, we focus on pairing it with plant-based ingredients such as edamame and tofu. Learn how to make our Cauliflower Kung Pao Meal Prep Bowls! They are a perfect fast and affordable meal prep idea for plant-based eaters.

While some diets and fads can be confusing, being flexitarian is not. If you are looking to ease your way into plant-based eating or simply want to become a semi-vegetarian, flexitarian eating may just be the lifestyle for you.

Debunking 4 Popular Diet Myths

With Wednesday, May 6 being International No Diet Day, we thought we would debunk 4 of the most commonly known diet myths. Sentiments like “all calories are bad” or “this diet is better than that diet” are often vocalized with little to no factual evidence.

Myth #1: all carbs are bad

Ever heard of this one? Before you rush to clean out all the carbohydrates from your kitchen, this statement can be easily debunked.

Not all carbs come in the form of French fries or pizza. In fact, fruit, vegetables and whole grains are found to contain whole carbohydrates. By classifying carbs as “whole carbohydrates” and “refined carbohydrates,” we can better understand why this statement is actually false.

Whole carbs are often referred to as unprocessed or unrefined, meaning that they still contain the bulk of their vitamins and nutrients. Examples of whole/unrefined carbs include fruit, vegetables, oatmeal and whole wheat bread. These foods have not undergone a process to strip them of naturally occurring elements such as fiber and healthy fats.

In contrast, refined carbs have undergone a process (such as milling), which strips them of vitamins and nutrients. Examples of refined carbs are potato chips, white rice or sugary cereals.

Types of Carbohydrates

One major difference between the two types of carbs is how they provide your body with energy. In simple terms, unrefined carbs provide us long-term energy, while refined carbs are digested rapidly and lead to a quick spike in energy.

Due to the presence of fiber in whole carbs, our bodies are able to digest these foods overtime and keeps our energy steady throughout the day.

If you regularly consume soda or other foods with high sugar content, you may be familiar with feeling your energy spike and then plummet shortly thereafter. This is due to the lack of vitamins and nutrients in refined carbs. To avoid the feelings of an energy crash, we recommend introducing unrefined carbohydrates into your diet.

Here are some simple swaps you can make if you want to implement more whole carbs into your meals.

Processed/Refined Carbohydrate Whole/Unrefined Carbohydrate
Potato chips Whole grain tortilla chips
White rice Brown rice, quinoa
White breads Whole wheat or whole grain breads

While it is important to consume as many whole or unrefined carbs as possible, we understand that this is not feasible for everyone. Of course it is unrealistic to cut out every single processed carb, because who doesn’t crave a pizza every now and then? Everybody’s dietary needs and cravings are different, do not feel like you have to cut out all refined carbs for the rest of your life – you can learn how implement or swap in more unprocessed carbs instead.

Myth #2: steer clear of all fatty foods

In addition to other diet myths, this is completely false and should not be a statement you should revolve your food philosophy around. Just like carbs, fats are absolutely necessary for the body. According to the American Heart Association, “dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth.”

Similar to carbs, there are four ways to categorize the fats we consume: saturated fats, trans fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. In very simple terms, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are considered “good” fats, while trans and saturated fats are not.

Trans fats are specifically found in highly artificial or processed foods. While more and more brands are prioritizing eliminating trans fats, it is still important to be mindful of what you consume. One way to guarantee you are not consuming trans fats is by reading a product’s nutrition label.

Saturated fats are often viewed as “bad fats,” however they are not as harmful as trans fats. Saturated fats are common and are often found in ingredients such as red meats and dairy (cheese, ice cream, butter). According to Harvard University’s School of Public Health, saturated fats “are best consumed in moderation.” If you are worried about your saturated fat intake, red meats and dairy can be replaced with items such as legumes or fish.

Healthier fats that can be incorporated into anyone’s daily meal routines include avocado, dark chocolate (who knew?!), salmon, olive oil and nuts.

Next time someone tells you to avoid all fats, now you know that myth’s been busted! Don’t forget your body still needs fats for fuel and healthy fats are a great way to do that.

Myth #3: nothing can replace the protein you get from meat

Sorry meat-eaters, but this diet myth’s false. There are many non-meat alternatives for plant-based or vegetarian eaters. While it may be difficult to transition from meat to vegetarian protein, there are many options that provide the appropriate amounts of protein necessary.

Since everyone’s protein intake differs, the protein choices you choose will vary. Below are some non-meat protein alternatives for both vegetarian and plant-based diets.

Vegetarian/Plant-based protein sources

  • Whole eggs or egg whites
  • Quinoa
  • Tofu, tempeh, seitan, edamame
  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, kidney/black/pinto beans)
  • Nut butter
  • Chia seeds, hemp seeds
  • Ezekiel bread
  • Soy milk, almond milk
  • Oats, oatmeal
  • Protein-rich vegetables (sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach)

Myth #4: long-term juice cleanses are good to detox and nourish your body

Similar to other diet myths, this one can be easily debunked. After a day or two of indulgent eating, it can be tempting to opt into day-long juice cleanses. It is no secret that many celebrities and influencers endorse and do juice cleanses, increasing the rage about them. However, juice cleanses are not a healthy replacement for eating full, nourishing meals.

This begs the question: why are juice cleanses so hyped up? For starters, a lot of juice cleanse companies vocalize the idea that you should not or do not have to eat while on a juice cleanse. That means, for however long you are choosing to cleanse, you consume nothing but juice. Some brands take a different approach and say that it is O.K. to snack lightly while on the cleanse.

However, most companies do not promote consuming regular, nourishing meals in addition to the cleanse. Consequently, your body is deprived of vitamins and nutrients that come from whole foods.

For example, juices do not contain parts of the peels or rinds from fruit or vegetables. Fiber is stripped from whole fruits and vegetables during the juicing process but a lot of the sugars are sustained. According to Mayo Clinic, Fiber aids the body in digestion, lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.

There are some positive effects from juicing such as consuming micro-nutrients and hydration. However, the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine point to some significant negative effects of juicing. They explain that juices contain little amounts of protein and healthy fats, which can lead to a protein deficiency. Additionally, because of the sugars in juice a consumer’s blood sugar tends to spike and crash, leaving them feeling tired and hungry.

Juicing substitutes

To some, juice cleanses may be helpful but for most, it will not be a satisfactory replacement for meals. Some safe and healthy alternatives to juice cleansing include:

  • Incorporating more whole fruits and vegetables into meals
  • Consume smoothies instead of juices (blending retains more of the vitamins & nutrients of fruits and vegetables)
  • Eat more raw foods
  • Try a soup cleanse
  • Practice intuitive eating to avoid feelings of needing to cleanse after indulging

There are plenty more diet myths lurking out there. Hopefully now, you are able to identify them and avoid feeling trapped in the cycle of diet culture. By incorporating unrefined carbs, healthy fats, plant-based proteins and avoiding juice cleanses, you are finding ways to honor your body and health without pressure from diet myths.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating (IE) is a philosophy or practice that is drive by an individual’s body and personal eating habits. Even if you are unfamiliar with the term, you may be practicing IE unconsciously. Unlike labeled diets and fads, intuitive eating does not include following certain restrictions. This practice allows individuals full freedom over their eating choices. Here is our breakdown of what IE is and how to fit it into your lifestyle.

The basics of intuitive eating

At its core, IE promotes eating when you are hungry and listening to your body when it is full. This can be easier for some and not others. Unlike diets, intuitive eating does not provide guidelines for how, when and what to eat. For example, on the paleo diet you are unable to eat products that include dairy, sugar, grains and even legumes. In contrast, adopting an intuitive eating perspective allows all foods to fit for all sorts of people.

The difficulty behind this is that you are the sole decider of what to consume. This means trusting your body and hunger signs completely. As a result, someone who follows IE has the freedom to choose what and when to eat. To achieve this, listening to your body is key.

For starters, you have to identify and listen to your body’s hunger signs. The signs are not universal amongst everyone but can include (and are not limited to):

  • Feeling of an empty stomach
  • Growling or grumbling from stomach
  • Feeling light-headed, dizzy or fatigued
  • Physical weakness
  • Feeling agitated, grumpy, irritable

Secondly, IE allows someone to honor their cravings. Is your body telling you to eat more veggies? Are you hungry for a high-protein meal? The beauty of IE is that nothing is off limits. You have complete control over what to fuel your body with. Again, this is easier said than done for some people. Intuitive eating is by no mean easy to adopt but there are small steps that can lead you in the right direction.

How to eat intuitively

There are a few tips and tricks to begin your intuitive eating journey. There are some standard or basic tips but you will also find there are practices that will work for you personally.

Here are some standard tricks:

  1. Find peace with yourself and your relationship to food.

The hardest but most important step to an IE journey is finding peace and acceptance within yourself and how to see food. One way to do this is to reject fads and diets that shame people into conforming to certain body standards. Breaking away from the cycle of comparison and forming habits of self-love is a step in the right direction. Hopefully, this promotes a healthy and guilt-free relationship with food. After all, food is how we fuel ourselves!

  1. Understand the differences between emotional hunger and physical hunger.

These two different types of hunger are exactly as they sound. Emotional eating involves eating based off of your emotional state: boredom, stress, sadness, anger. At times like this, you are not necessarily eating based off of your physical hunger. Instead, you are turning to food based off of your emotional state. This can be an exceptionally difficult practice to break and requires you to listen actively to your body.

  1. Start with what you’re comfortable with.

If you want to adopt the practices of IE but struggle with certain foods, that is okay! We recommend starting from a place you are most comfortable. If you feel comfortable eating a specific food but not another, don’t push yourself too fast or too far.

By eating what your body wants and what you are comfortable with, you will begin to find an open and honest relationship with food. As a result, you can begin to work on eating and enjoying foods you once struggled with. The beauty of intuitive eating is that you can start where you are most comfortable and grow from there. IE allows all foods to fit and denounces restrictions – it’s all about tuning into what you and your body need.

Why IE?

Intuitive eating is a great place to start when you are ready to mend your relationship with food. If you have or are struggling with food freedom, IE gives you the space to find what works best for you. By rejecting diet culture, you are opening yourself up to food freedom and non-restricted ways of eating. Adopting intuitive eating practices will open possibilities of feeling comfortable with food! The opportunities are endless when eating intuitively.

Honoring Your Body Without Giving Into Diet Culture

With a new year fresh upon us, it is no secret that articles about dieting, working out and creating a “new you” are circulating all over the Internet. Sometimes, it is difficult to avoid these articles and you can fall into a slump. Articles that focus on dieting, overworking and transforming yourself can often lead to negative feelings of self-comparison and self-worth. Adopting healthy habits can make you feel good but that doesn’t mean you need to give into diet culture. In fact, honoring your body can be accomplished in a number of ways without giving into diet culture!

First, let’s define diet culture. According to Ragen Chastain from the National Eating Disorder Association, diet culture includes “weight stigma [that] is so firmly entrenched in our culture.” This can include implementing “food rules and restriction to manipulate body size” or suggesting “people are more or less worthy based on their body size.” Diet culture is toxic and should not, by any means, be promoted during a new year or otherwise.

Some of our favourite ways to honor our bodies without giving into diet culture are listening to hunger signs, working out at our own pace, taking time for ourselves and focusing on our mental health.

Honoring your body by listening to your hunger signs

Hunger signs – we all get them, have them and should know how to recognize them. As explained by Monica Smith from Michigan State University Extension, some physical hunger cutes include an “empty stomach, stomach growling, headache, light-headed feeling, grumpiness, lack of energy and shakiness or weakness.”

When you don’t listen to your body’s hunger signs, you risk feelings of distraction, stress and irritability. As diet culture promotes ignoring these hunger signs, it is important to adopt habits that honor them instead. By doing so, you can honor your body through food and nourishment.

One way this can be done is by equating your hunger signals with cooking/eating something delicious! Some of our favourite meals include yummy ingredients and easy recipes like these Chicken Black Bean Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.

Listening to your hunger cues also includes cooking what you’re craving. Honoring your body also means honoring your cravings! To ensure you’re getting in those vitamins and nutrients, learning to build a balanced plate is a skill that will help you enjoy your meals while feeling good. Don’t worry – there are many ways to build a balanced plate and can work for your lifestyle and preferences!

Working out at your own pace

Speaking about lifestyle, it is no secret that working out can definitely be a part of your lifestyle. You may be familiar with the new year’s joke about the gyms being crowded due to new year’s resolutions. Whether you are returning to the gym or joining a new one, getting exercise into your day is a great way to honor your body without giving into diet culture.

There are many different ways to get moving, which allows you to modify your exercise to best fit you! It can be overwhelming to see other people at the gym working out at a different pace or level than you. However, it is also harmful to intensity your workouts if your body is not ready. Comparing your workouts to others’ can be extremely detrimental.

Listen to your body and exercise at your own pace! Physical results are not linear and don’t look the same for everyone. Going at your own pace and listening to your body’s limits is very important when working out. By mixing healthy eating habits with safe exercise routines, you are one step closer to honoring your body without giving into diet culture.

Take time for yourself

Burn-out is real and can have serious mental and physical effects. The World Health Organization defines burn-out as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” The WHO outline three symptoms of burn-out:

  • feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
  • increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and
  • reduced professional efficacy

Some physical symptoms include headaches, stomachaches, exhaustion and, muscle pain and fatigue. As such, taking a break from work or stepping away from the office is a must when you are facing severe impacts from burn-out.

Taking time for yourself can take many shapes and forms. Whether that be working from home for a change of scenery, taking a few days off completely or getting moving and away from your desk during the day – focus on yourself.

Honoring your body means focusing on mental health

That being said, it is just as important to pay attention to your body both physically and mentally. Further, physically working on your body should be treated as important as working on yourself mentally. For example, sometimes you just need to step away and do something you enjoy. Some ways we like to take a break include reading, spending time with family, watching our favourite show or meditation.

Don’t forget that being a student can take a toll on your physical and mental health, too. Whether you’re a student, parent or employee, it is critical to know when you need to take a break. Focusing on enjoying yourself, decreasing stress and overall unwinding will keep you feeling great while completely honoring your body without giving into diet culture!

Dieting and promoting diet culture is in no way the only method to adopt healthy habits. In fact, there are endless amount of ways to honor your body without giving into diet culture. By focusing on physical activity at your own pace, feeding your body and focusing on your mental health, you are sure to find ways of honoring yourself that fit your lifestyle.